Christmas Card Swap

Cards created by Jenn, Simone and Kaisa. Plus a detail from Jenn's envelope.

This Christmas we decided to arrange a card swap. We had nine creative participants and all addressees were randomly picked. Everybody sent and received a handmade holiday card.

Cards made by Niina, Carey and Raisa.

With all these handcrafted greetings, Finland Handcrafters Team wishes happy holidays to all of you as well! Hyvää Joulua ja Onnellista Uutta Vuotta!

Cards sent by Ruusu, Nelli and Branko.

Get a look behind the curtains of mooncake and win a product!

Selling on a christmasmarket can be very exciting, especially when a lot of people like and buy the offered products. So the other day a very nice lady came to the market and fell in love with the mooncake pillows. Her name was Sari, and she was really interested in getting a closer look behind the scenes.

Sari came visiting me one day, took a lot of great pictures, posted them on her blog and also created a raffle! Now it is open to everyone, so click HERE to participate until thursday, 19th of december, 7 pm and win an owl of your own! :)

DIY Christmas Silk Painted Card

Here is an idea how to create an unique Christmas Card!

You are going to need: 

Silk wire frame pannel or just some silk material
       ✓ Pencil,paper,Silver Gutta for silk, silk paints
       ✓ Cardboard, scissors, glue

First sketch your idea on a paper. It is important to have a clear image of the thing you are going to paint on the silk pannel.

After you have cleared your idea you can transfer it on the silk pannel using the Silver Gutta. After you put the Gutta- leave it todry.

Once the Gutta has dried you can start painting the image.In my case: this is a Happy Deer! Free your imagination- mix different colors! I am sure your card will turn out colorful and beautiful too!

After your painting has dried you can glue it on a cardboard. It is always good idea to use recycled paper!

Apart from a beautiful hand painted Silk Card- this unique gift can be an original painting as well!  

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This is a great DIY gift idea, not only for the Christmas Holidays but for all kind of Celebrations!
If you like this card but you prefer to buy it rather than to make it yourself, you can click here.

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Small X-mas party!

Yesterday 1.12. we had a meeting in Sello library in Espoo. We reserved a room for our use and it was totally free of charge! Most of the team members were away due to being super busy with christmas sales and preparations, but three of us managed to meet up for a small party. 

We (Sasha, Simona and Nelli) made some paper decorations and package cards for our presents. We had different kinds of papers, scissors, paper punch cutters, glue and washi tape. Everyone also brought something to eat, so we had glögi, cherrymuffins and some salty pastries to enjoy while making cute christmassy stuff! 

Here are some pictures of what we made, I hope you enjoy them. Next time it would be great to have a bigger crew available!
