Growing up with two lemon trees in the garden resulted to my love for lemons.
I always enjoy finding new lemon recipes. Baking lemon pies is almost a monthly event!
When I was asked to share a tutorial with you, I immediately thought of sharing such a recipe with you.
What do you think?
sure you will enjoy this lemon liqueur.
It is similar to the Italian Limonchello, which I’m sure many of you have tried
once or twice somewhere. It is an easy recipe, but it needs patience.
1½ kg lemons
1lt of vodka
A glass bottle or airtight jar
4 glasses of water
900gr sugar
A huge bottle for serving.
1lt of vodka
A glass bottle or airtight jar
4 glasses of water
900gr sugar
A huge bottle for serving.
1. If you bought the lemons, wash them well. Most lemons you buy at the store are waxed. I used lemons from my parents' garden in Greece!!
2. Peal the lemons and only keep the yellow part (as the white part of the peal is a bit bitter).
3. Add it in a bottle with the vodka and let it sit at the balcony for a week. It doesn't need sun!! Which makes it perfect for the Finnish spring sky!
I tried to use the smaller pot, but it didn't fit all the water. I kept cool and changed my syrup to the bigger one, no biggie!
5. Let the syrup cool down and strain the vodka.
6. In a nice looking bottle add the
syrup and vodka. The liqueur is ready.
7. Store it in a cool place or the fridge. It has such a nice and bright yellow colour. Trust me, everyone will be impressed with the flavour, aroma and look!
8. Invite some friends and have a nice evening! Serve it in small fancy liqueur glasses or shot glasses. But no need to hurry, chill and enjoy it.
(Since you only need the peal of the lemons, you can try and make homemade lemonade with the juice.)
You really need a huge bottle to store your finished liqueur. You need to fit 1lt of Vodka and all the cyrup. That's why I got myself the biggest vodka bottle in Alko. People on the street might have been staring, but now my liqueur looks fancy. Oh but even this bottle didn't fit it I had to use a tiny one as well.
This recipe is extra awesome, because you don't have to limit it to lemons. Try oranges, mantarins, blood oranges. Imagine how refreshing it will be drinking some by the lake in the summer.
I think I'll go get myself a glass... (^_^)
Enjoy the weekend,
Enjoy the weekend,
Very nice! Shared in my twitter :)